Terms and Conditions

last updated: March 1, 2021

User Agreement between a user and „B Freemployee“ EOOD (hereinafter referred to as the „Agreement“)

The online platform, hereinafter referred to as brand-network.me is owned and administrated by „B Freemployee“ EOOD (hereinafter referred to as the „Company“). These Terms and Conditions are legally binding agreement between the user and the Company governing the terms and conditions applied by the Company when offering information, software, products and services provided at brand-network.me.

Consent with the Terms and Conditions

The services at brand-network.me are offered only in case these Terms and Conditions, the rules and the clauses in this User Agreement are accepted and the user complies with all of them. If the user disagrees with these Terms and Conditions or if the user is not yet al least 18 years old (being a natural person), brand-network.me cannot be used.

I. Information about the service provider

brand-network.me consists of many webpages whose owner and administrator is „B Freemployee“ EOOD, tax identity number: 205396947, and address of settlement Sofia, postcode 1309, zh.k. Sv. Troitza, Zaitchar Str., bl.335, cell phone +359 888 244 178, email: contact@brand-network.me.

II. Definitions

2.1. “Subscriber” – each user who has bought subscription to brand-network.me with one of the three types of paid membership.

2.2. “Documents” – all data generated at а brand-network.me that can be processed after using any of the Keys or the Pitch Zone and that can support the brand, marketing and communication work of brand-network.me users at their discretion.

2.3. “Additional materials” are all materials beyond the standard required for using brand-network.me, created or provided by the user in a direct communication with brand-network.me. These can be for example questions, comments, proposals, ideas, feedback and any other information concerning the services offered at brand-network.me.

2.4. “Supplier”, “Service Provider” means user registered at brand-network.me with a profile role “service provider” which grants access to the services provided at brand-network.me from and in the name of the brand (brands) the user declares is legally allowed to operate with as well as by participating as a natural person or legal entity in pitches published in the Pitch Zone from the Clients. The Service Provider bears the full liability for using the brand (brands) at brand-network.me and the Company is not liable for this usage.

2.5. “Company” means „B Freemployee“ EOOD, tax identity number: 205396947

2.6. “Pitch Zone” – specified part of brand-network.me that facilitates the conduction of brand, marketing and communication pitches, supporting the communication between clients and service providers. The access to the Pitch Zone is a paid service, the price (with VAT) is published at brand-network.me/pricing and refers to access one year from date to date.

2.7. “Usage” of brand-network.me means any of the following activities: link clicking, information input, data creation or browsing. Using brand-network.me the user agrees with the Terms and Conditions, including the sections Limitation and Disputes. Both sections refer to the user’s rights.

2.8. “Client” means user registered at brand-network.me with a profiles role “client” that grants access to the services provided at brand-network.me from and in the name of the brand (brands) the user declares is legally allowed to operate with as well as by participating as a natural person or legal entity in the Pitch Zone where the Client can open pitches and publish briefs, can receive feed-back, participation requests and offers from Service Providers. The Client bears the full liability for using the brand (brands) at brand-network.me and the Company is not liable for this usage.

2.9. “Keys” are all automated tools at brand-network.me that are used to support the execution of brand, marketing and communication tasks of the subscribers of brandnetwork.me. By buying the subscription to brand-network.me (one of the three types paid membership), the user acquires the status of subscriber also to the Keys available at brand-network.me.

2.10. „Online platform“, “Online Platform brand-network.me” or „brand-network.me“ means domain (URL) https://www.brand-network.me.

2.11. „User“ means any natural person or legal entity that uses brand-network.me in any way, including but not limited to browsing, creating own profile and signing up/in, using the services and conducting any activities in this relation. The user can be registered after paying the fee as Client, as Service Provider or as Both. Any user has a right to access up to 4 publications in the Blog section at brand-network.me free of charge after creating a profile (Just Visiting).

2.12. „Profile“ means a sector in brand-network.me consisting if a name, e-mail and password that allow the user to use the services at brand-network.me and that includes information about the user provided by the user at their registration at brand-network.me, as well as the history of their used services.

III. Services

3.1. „B Freemployee“ EOOD offers paid services at brand-network.me. The usage of any service requires online registration (see also Online Registration Section). The access to these Services is granted after identification procedure and creation of a password from the user, as well as after payment of the price for the chosen paid membership.

3.2. The Services provided at brand-network.me allow on one hand the usage of software solutions developed by the Company for independent documents generation in line with the predefined algorithm. In this way, the subscribers are offered the opportunity of learning by doing connecting the theoretical knowledge with real-life practical application. On the other hand, using other services, the users can be connected, increasing in this way the level of professionalism in the industry. brand-network.me offers registration with one the three user profile types: Client, Service Provider, Both.

3.3. The documents generation is made by special software. The software processes the information provided by the user in the electronic form connected to the Service to create and store at the server of brand-network.me the respective document that is generated according to the customised settings and the information received from the user at brand-network.me. Every document is available in the personal profile at  brand-network.me. The content of these documents is not made by a marketing or communication expert and is not cross-checked by such.

The conditions for the usage of the Services that are not limited to generation of customised documents as well as their price and payment methods are described in a separate section at brand-network.me. If nothing else is specifically determined, the Services are provided after advance price payment.

3.4. The Service Pitch Zone allow the users to send requests to participate in marketing and communication pitches respectively to announce interest to participate at such. This service can be used as a part of the paid subscription to brand-network.me – according to the currents fees published in the Pricing section of brand-network.me. The fee is defined for a period of one year from date to date where the start date is defined as the date of the payment receipt from brand-network.me.

brand-network.me does not participate directly or indirectly in the selection of the participants at the pitches – each pitch and every announcement of interest to take part in a pitch are managed only by the user. Each user registered as Client has the right to create pitches and to define which service providers are permitted to receive the full brief respectively which service providers are granted access to the pitch participation. Each user registered as Service Provider has the right to be informed about the open pitches, and the right to state binding interest to receive the full brief respectively to get access granted to the full brief upon decision of the Client published the pitch. Every user decides for their own whether to participate at this process, when and at which pitches to participate and whether to receive information about new pitches (trough their profile settings/e-mail notifications).

„B Freemployee“ EOOD is not a part in the relationship Client-Service Provider and does not follow the correspondence between them. „B Freemployee“ EOOD does not take in the negotiations for cooperation between the Client and the Service Provider and has no connection to possible service payments or fees.

3.5. The usage of the Pitch Zone Service does not lead to entering into a contract for marketing or communication services. If the Client wishes to get a marketing or communication service from the Service Provider, the Client must sign a contract with the chosen service provider. brand-network.me is not part of the contract and does not take part in the negotiation, signing or execution of this contract.

3.6. brand-network.me is not a part of the relationships between the client and the service provider. Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions the user agrees that not in a single moment they will hold brand-network.me responsible for their relations with other users of brand-network.me they have entered into contact using the services of brand-network.me.

3.7. The usage of the available at brand-network.me Keys is a part of the services provided within the paid subscription according to the publishes in Pricing section fees. The Key usage occurs at the terms described in the respective section for the service or product at brand-network.me and related to which the user enters into this User Agreement with „B Freemployee“ EOOD.

3.8. The duration of the User Agreement for brand-network.me Subscribers depends on the chosen and respectively paid annual Subscription to brand-network.me. After the subscription expires, it can only be renewed with a new order, i.e. the subscription is not automatically renewed unless the user has not explicitly chosen this option in the billing settings.

3.9. As a Subscriber the user is obliged to use this subscription only for their own purposes and is obliged to not grant their log-in data, passwords etc. to third parties to take advantage of the service.

3.10. The Key Subscription is not a contract for marketing or communication services subscription.

IV. Online Registration

4.1. To use the services provided at brand-network.me the user has to make a registration. The procedure for online registration (sign up) requires the user to provide name and e-mail and to set a password with which the user will identify themselves as such. Optionally can be provided the additional fields like the area of responsibility or services provided, other contact data, short description etc.

4.2. Providing these data the user declares these data is up to date.

4.3. The name is the mean for the user to identify themselves at brand-network.me, and the password is only available to the user. In case the user forgets or wants to change the password, brand-network.me provides this opportunity.

4.4. The data the user provides in the registration procedure will only be used for delivering personalised services and contact in case of a need. More information can be found in the Privacy Policy.

V. General Terms

5.1. To use the services provided at brand-network.me the user enters into an agreement with „B Freemployee“ EOOD the content of which is determined by these Terms and Conditions. For the paid services the Agreement is considered closed at the moment of their subscription/order.

5.2. The use of brand-network.me does not create a relationship marketing consultant-client between brand-network.me (or its employee) and the user. Related to any marketing or communication issues or cases for that the user seeks a solution through creating a document, using a Key or the Pitch Zone at brand-network.me, every user represents themselves alone and bears own responsibility for the decisions taken regarding the respective issue or case.

5.3. brand-network.me does not aim to be and is not an analogue of marketing or communication agency.

5.4. If for any reason a legal relationship is created between the user and any employee of „B Freemployee“ EOOD – „B Freemployee“ EOOD does not take part in this legal relationship

5.5. The information at brand-network.me does not represent a marketing or communication advice/consulting. This is why it should not be treated as such.

5.6. It is not possible a generic brand, marketing or communication information or a tool like brand-network.me to cover all possible hypothesis in the brand management, marketing and communication policies of each user. This is why when a consulting for a specific marketing or communication case/issue is needed, it is advisable to reach out to a consultant or agency.

5.7. „B Freemployee“ EOOD cannot be held liable for any damages and losses connected to the use of brand-network.me or any website leading to brand-network.me. Special attention is to be given to the following three situations:

1.    damages and losses because brand-network.me is offline;

2.    damages and losses as a result of mistakes or inaccuracy in the content at brand-network.me including the use of a Key algorithm;

3.    damages and losses as a result of relationships between users arose during the use of the Pitch Zone Service.

5.8. The user takes their own risks of using brand-network.me.

VI. Pricing and methods of payment

6.1. At the Pricing section of brand-network.me all prices for each service are shown.

6.2. brand-network.me will accept payments in one of the following ways:

1) through brand transfer to our bank account;

2) with credit/debit card through Stripe (www.stripe.com).

6.3. For the paid service at brand-network.me payment is due in line with the description of the service and the pricing. For all paid services provided at brand-network.me the price has to be paid in advance.

VII. Right of Withdrawal

7.1. The user has the right to withdraw the Agreement without stating any reason for a period of 14 (fourteen) days.

7.2. The withdraw period of 14 (fourteen) days counts from the date of the legal entering into User Agreement for the services.

7.3. In case the user wants to resign the User Agreement they can express this wish by not paying for thee service after the 14-days free trial or by sending their unambiguous withdraw of the User Agreement stating their name, address and phone number at contact@brand-network.me.

7.4. In order to be considered that the user has withdrawn the User Agreement they must have sent the e-mail for the withdraw before the end of the withdraw period of 14 (fourteen) days.

7.5. If the user has started using the services during the 14 days withdraw period, they are obliged to pay for all services used until the moment of the withdraw or the amount of money proportional to the services used until the withdraw e-mail considering the total amount of their price.

VIII. Changes and Supplements

8.1. „B Freemployee“ EOOD retains its right to modify this User Agreement for brand-network.me, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy from time to time. „B Freemployee“ EOOD will send e-mail to inform the user about any material changes. The changes become effective immediately and in case the user does not accept them, they may terminate the use of brand-network.me. If the user does not oppose to the Changes in the User Agreement and continues to use brand-network.me, it is assumed they have accepted the Changes.

8.2. If the user uses the service at brand-network.me, that are accessed without registration, every change will become effective without any information provided to the user.

IX. Links to other websites

9.1. This online platform as well as the content in the blog section contains links to other internet resources, called links or linked websites. These links are included for the convenience of the user and to contribute to easier identification of useful content. The links do not indicate that „B Freemployee“ EOOD sponsors/supports or is legally aligned with any of the websites; nor that „B Freemployee“ EOOD is authorised to use the brand, trade mark, logo, copyrights or any other intellectual property that may appear in the links.

9.2. „B Freemployee“ EOOD is not liable for the content on the linked websites. This includes also all links that are to be found on these linked websites. The Terms and Conditions do not cover the relationships of the user with the linked websites. This is why the terms and condition of the linked websites must be carefully studied.

X. Prohibited for unlawful purposes

10.1. As a condition to use brand-network.me the user has to warrant to „B Freemployee“ EOOD that the user will not use brand-network.me in any of the cases below:

1) for unlawful purposes including but not limited to money laundering, traffic of people, support for terrorist organisations;

2) for purposes prohibited by the current Terms and Conditions;

3) in any other way that may threaten or damage the functioning of brand-network.me;

4) in any way may threaten the normal use of brand-network.me by any third-party.

10.2. All documents, forms, articles and the whole content at brand-network.me are protected by the European and the Bulgarian intellectual property legislation, including copyrights. The use of brand-network.me does not grant the right of the user to sell and/or resell the content of brand-network.me without the explicit additional arrangement for this purpose.

XI. Provision of Materials beyond the User Created Documents

11.1. „B Freemployee“ EOOD does not claim to own any documents created by the user at brand-network.me or uploaded in the user profile. „B Freemployee“ EOOD does not edit any of these documents. The user has to allow brand-network.me (incl. third parties, partners) to use their documents related to the services provided.

11.2. In case the user makes available other data and information (called “Additional Materials”), beyond the information needed for the provisions of the specific service – brand-network.me will have the right to use these for any purpose – commercial or other, without prior notice or compensation to the user. These usually refer to comments, recommendations, user insights, proposals, feed-back etc. brand-network.me is not obliged to make public any Additional Materials provided by the user.

11.3. „B Freemployee“ EOOD may remove some or all of the Additional Materials at any time.

11.4. Definition of “Additional Materials” can be found in the Definitions section of this Agreement.

XII. Termination / Access Limitation

12.1. „B Freemployee“ EOOD retains the right to terminate or limit the access to brand-network.me and its services.

12.2. „B Freemployee“ EOOD retains the right to modify or cease (temporarily or permanently) an element of the Services. The user agrees that „B Freemployee“ EOOD will not be liable to the user or any third party for any modification (change), cease or termination of a Service.

XIII. Limitation of Liability 

13.1. The information, software, products and services provided at brand-network.me may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. „B Freemployee“ EOOD and/or its suppliers may conduct improvements and changes at brand-network.me prodigally and at any time. Information received via brand-network.me should not be relied upon for personal, medical, legal and/or financial decisions and the user should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to user’s situation.

13.2. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ALL INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND RELATED GRAPHICS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND. In no event shall „B Freemployee“ EOOD and/or its suppliers be liable for the sustainability, reliability and availability of the information, software, products, services and related graphics at brand-network.me.



– loss of use, information, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected to the use or performance of brand-network.me;

– delay or inability to use brand-network.me or related services;

– the failure to provide services;

– any information, software, products, services or related graphics obtained through and at brand-network.me;

– relationships between users that connected through brand-network.me for the performance of a service.

13.4. If the user is dissatisfied with any portion of brand-network.me (any product or service) or with any of these Terms and Conditions their sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using brand-network.me.

Important: the maximum liability of „B Freemployee“ EOOD is limited to the amount of the prices paid for the use of the services at brand-network.me.

XIV. Exclusion of Liability

14.1. The user agrees to discharge brand-network.me („B Freemployee“ EOOD) and its managers and employees of liability, irrelevant of the damages, losses, expenses, rights, actions of infringements from third parties connected to the use of Documents, Keys, Pitch Zone or Additional Materials.

XV. Disputes

15.1. All disputes related to these Terms and Conditions including the disputes regarding their interpretation, invalidation, execution or termination as well as the disputes for gaps replenishment in the Terms and Conditions or their adaption to newly arisen circumstances will be resolved by the competent court in line with the Bulgarian legislation.

XVI. Intellectual Property

16.1. The Service and all content on brand-network.me are protected by copyright laws © 2020 „B Freemployee“ EOOD. All rights reserved. Without the express permission from „B Freemployee“ EOOD, the user agrees not to modify, copy, frame, scrape, rent, licence, sell, distribute content or part of the content at brand-network.me.

16.2. Exception: the above rule does not apply to the user’s own Documents or Additional Materials uploaded legally to brand-network.me.

16.3. Related to the use of brand-network.me the user agrees not to deploy any instruments or tools for information extraction (robots, spiders etc.). Any use of the content except as provided is strictly forbidden.

16.4. The technology and the software that run at brand-network.me are owned by „B Freemployee“ EOOD, partners or suppliers. The User agrees not to copy, modify, create or try to acquire any source code, nor to sell, licence or transfer the software. Any right that is not explicitly granted to other natural person or legal entity remains an ownership of „B Freemployee“ EOOD.

XVII. General Provisions

17.1. The User accepts and agrees that in no event an agency legal agreement is closed between the User and „B Freemployee“ EOOD.

17.2. If any part of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the agreement shall continue in effect.

17.3. Unless otherwise specified herein, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the user and „B Freemployee“ EOOD with respect to the use of brand-network.me. This Agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral or written.

17.4. This Agreement is closed in Bulgarian and English. In case of any conflict between the English and the Bulgarian version the Bulgarian version shall control.

17.5. The  User cannot transfer any rights to third parties that result for the user from the Agreement without the explicit written permission from brand-network.me. The rights of the Company regarding these Terms and Conditions can be transferred to third parties.

17.6. All rights that are not explicitly granted to others by the Terms and Conditions remain rights of „B Freemployee“ EOOD.

17.7. brand-network.me can officially communicate with the User with all communication means such as email, post, publications of „B Freemployee“ EOOD etc.

17.8. A printed version of this Agreement and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this Agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. All parties accept and  agree with these Terms and Conditions.

17.9. In case of any questions, comments or proposals, the User can reach „B Freemployee“ EOOD  at contact@brand-network.me, as well as to inform about any violation of the Agreement or state a question related to this Agreement.