10 marketing re-shapes in 2021

The global situation that marked 2020, left messages for each and every aspect of our present lives. The rhythm of the days is changing and reform has to be made also in the marketing. Old dogmas have changed their meaning. Opening the heart of your company and looking for a way to reach customer sensitivity is one of the postulates for 2021.

The marketing area is being re-shaped, or even re-faced. Keep in mind these ten transformations when entering the changed business world:

  1. Pragmatism is no longer high-honored. It is not obligatory for everything to be perfect, in fact, defects could be turned into an effect. And sensitivity only strengthens the human aura of the company.
  2. Adaptability is a key, especially throughout last year when long-term planning is impossible, and being flexible was the only way to survive.   
  3. Empathy is essential because for the customer – the person who receives your service or your product, it is important to know that you care. The social message and sympathy are crucial for confirming the brand image and marketing concept.
  4. Diversity includes different points of view. It’s good to have a variety of personas among your marketing gurus  –  from the ones who always ask “what would happen if”, through the ones that question everything, to the ones extremely optimistic about the future.
  5. Leadership is a matter of action, not position. The situation went beyond the “master and servant” approach. A leader could become a person who is lower in the hierarchy. Most importantly, the team must work like a living organism. 
  6. Flexibility requires managers that are open to accepting the people have a private life, and some of them need to combine life beyond the job with childcare. In the current situation, when children have to stay at home indefinitely and learning went online, it all sounds choiceless. Understanding employees in combination with figuring out the corporate needs is strategic for the marketing culture.
  7. Learning is life-long. Gaining knowledge throughout all your growth is a universal rule. In the field of marketing, it is mandatory because the environment is highly dynamic, the changes are rapid and fast, and the need to respond to them adequately decides about success.
  8. Collaboration is important for your experience, for making contacts, and for exchanging about marketing trends. Share practice and knowledge without crossing the line of delicate information and corporate confidentiality.
  9. To be able to turn a disaster into opportunity is to have a scent of success, to be able to ride almost any wave of discontent, hysteria, crisis, or other challenging situation. And come up with a marketing strategy that allows a broader, top-down look into reality. Deliver a solution, provide a different point of view, remind that there is always a way out. And show it.
  10. Responsibility to data management is among the hallmarks of loyalty in marketing. The accumulation of information about consumers, their consent to share certain data, must be accompanied by the responsible and safe storage of all this information.

Other attitudes and shapes will be added to this list. Marketing reflects the topicality of time to clear its features and reveal its present image to the audience.

And if you want to balance the vision ahead with some rational practicality, read how to write an effective brief for your next pitch here.

How to use Brand Network – look HERE.

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